Notes From James
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Bike to Work #32 - Celebrate Erie   James - Friday, August 17, 2007, 7:20 pm

10th street is paved now. Smooth as silk. If you need to bike town, I heartily recommend it. In combination with various "alternate" bike paths, I made it to work in a hair under 44 minutes. A record for me. Time to change out the back tire.

I needed to pick up a rental car afterward. Surprisingly enough, people didn't seem to mind that I wheeled my bike into the Erie International Airport (Tom Ridge Field, if you're nasty). I was waiting for someone to brand me a terrorist. Only got one smart ass remark ("is that our rental car?"). I had to laugh.

[Considering Leaving Thingamablog Again]  [Bike to Work #31 - Free Baby]