Notes From James
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I recently returned from a trip to India! It is an amazing country, with lots of things that are quite different from the US, but many things are the same. Here are some things that stick out in my mind:

  • Coffee and tea are much stronger than anything I have ever tried. That must be why the Indians always mix milk with their drinks.
  • Indian food is great...but after two weeks, it became quite repetitive. I guess that's the same for anywhere. The food wasn't as "hot" as I had expected (I was in Bangalore), and even somewhat bland from time to time.
  • Disease is quite common. I spotted quite a few people with polio.
  • Motorcycles are very common. The pollution is pretty intense. Biking and walking are methods of transportation for those who want to take their lives in their own hands, even more so than here.
  • Cows and dogs are everywhere.
  • The common language is English, not Hindi. I had practiced some Hindi for about a week prior to my trip, and it was useless in the area I was traveling.
  • People are desperate for work. They find niches (housework, drivers, etc.) that you would never find in the US.
  • Nothing looks the same. Cars, buildings, everything is customized into brilliant colors. After returning to the US, everything seems drab.
  • Women are protected to the extreme with a parental-style culture. For example, if you are leaving work late, they will call you at home to make sure you arrived safely.
I really enjoyed the trip. I think a trip to India (or similar country) will polarize you - you will either love it, or hate it. I loved it, and the trip reinvigorated my love of travel. I really think it's a shame that people don't want to travel more, to see things other than their own home country/town/state.

[Kurt Petersen, Featured Student]  [ROM CHECK FAIL]