Bike to Work Week
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Seattle, WA, USA James - Friday, February 26, 2010, 4:59 am

May 21, 2010

Last bike to work day event:May 15, 2009

Last bike to work month event: May 1-31, 2009

Bike to Work Day website

Bike to Work Month website

Bike to Work Day - Friday, May 21, 2010
Why ride?

By riding on Bike to Work Day you help generate political momentum for the creation of more safe, convenient bicycle facilities.

Most cities in our region do not know how many cyclists use their roads because they do not count them. Cascade Bicycle Club wants to see official bicycle counts become commonplace around Puget Sound. But until then, the number we tally each year on Bike to Work Day has become the default indicator of our community's growing size and strength. By riding on Bike to Work Day you help generate political momentum for the creation of more safe, convenient bicycle facilities.

BTWD's dramatic year-over-year increases show transportation engineers and politicians that facilities like bicycle lanes and parking racks are good investments. The combination of our growth and the societal benefits of bicycle riding are leading to unprecedented public investment, including the bike-specific funding in Seattle's recent "Bridging the Gap" levy and the Complete Streets ordinances passed by the City of Kirkland last year and most recently, by the City of Seattle.

By cycling together, we can make a difference. To have an even greater impact, please join the nation's largest bike club, and add your voice to the cycling clout in our region.
Bike to Work Day Details

Throughout Puget Sound, riders can stop by Commute Stations to pick up free schwag, snacks, city and county maps, bicycle commuting information and to have bikes checked for free by our fantastic bike shop station sponsors. This is your day to be counted and recognized by the city!

If you're already a seasoned bike commuter then help us spread the word and encourage colleagues to try a bike ride as part of their workday. Stop by one of the 44 Commute Stations located throughout the region; pick up a cool free water bottle, snacks, maps & other useful goodies. Enter the Starbucks Bike To Work Day Drawing or have your bike spot-checked by our bike shop station sponsors.

Seattle, WA James - Friday, February 26, 2010, 5:00 am  No Comments

Groups: Seattle, WA, USA
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