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Tagged “nanowrimo”

  1. Comic

    For NanoWriMo and inktober, instead of following the rules, I combined the two and came up with my own comic book! Free to download! Check it out! War Of The Worlds

  2. NaNoWriMo with Open Office

    For those of you who have participated in National Novel Writing Month, and are Linux people who use Open Office, here is a short script that I wrote that does a word count and makes a scrambled output file to submit.

    odt2txt Novel.odt | gawk '{ gsub( /[a-z]/,"a" ); print $0 }' > out.txt cat out.txt | gawk '{ x = x + NF } END { print x " words" }' The problem I had with the Open Office word count is that it gave me a too-high number. This script matched how the NaNoWriMo site counts their words.

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