Tagged “video”
Converting mp4 or m4v files for Sansa Fuze on Ubuntu
I have a number of mp4 (actually, m4v) files that my daughter wanted to have on her Sansa Fuze. Unfortunately, the application for Ubuntu (video4fuze) would not accept some of the files. I got around this by running a command like:
ffmpeg -i "input video.mp4" -r 25 ~/output_video.avi
This would convert the mp4 file to avi, as well as force a frame rate. Without the "-r" parameter, sometimes there would be fast sound and slow video (unsynchronized). After doing this, run video4fuze with the other file, and you will have a new file to upload to your Fuze.
Running Handbrake on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
For you Handbrake fans, I found a .deb file created by Fraser Murray that fixes all of the various problems with upgrading. You can download it here. To run, do:
cd /data/usr/local/bin ghb
I think it's being installed in the incorrect directory, but it seems to work pretty good. The new Handbrake seems to be quite speedy compared to the old version, though I haven't checked out how the encoding fares yet.
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