Tagged “winter”
Arduino Bike Computer
I'm currently working on an Arduino based bike computer / data logger, based on a Arduino Uno and an SD shield. It seems to work quite well, and I use it for recording my progress on my bike trainer. I'm going to replace it with a RBBB and a micro-SD adapter I found online to make it portable.
The yearly playing with the blog
Every year about this time, when the weather gets rainy and I don't feel like getting all damp, it seems this blog gets a bit of a workout. Sometimes, it's just reworking the CSS and the look and feel of the blog, sometimes it's tweaking the code. I'm not quite sure what it's going to be this year, but there's a lot of hacking that has gone on in the code for too long, and it needs to be cleaned out. The questions is, can it, and do I really care enough to do it?
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