Ok, this is a long one, but one well worth posting.
The Mix: Running, Cycles and Singles (June 1)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, local singles are invited to The Mix, an event mixing running, cycling and singles on Tuesday, June 1. Meet at 6 p.m. at Full Cycle, 1795 Pearl St., or Fleet Feet Sports, 2624 Broadway, for a relaxing 45-minute ride. Then head to the Boulder Draft House, 2027 13th St., for happy hour and prizes. You do not need to participate in the ride or run to attend the Happy Hour but only people who ride or run will be eligible for prizes. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Early Tuesday Hikers (June 1)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, come out for an early hike on Tuesday, June 1. For hikers seeking an easy pace and a moderate distance, meet at 8 a.m. at the North Boulder Park at Seventh Street and Dellwood Avenue. Hikers seeking a more moderate pace with varying distances, meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot north of the Boulder Social Security Office, 4949 Pearl E. Circle. The hikes will be held each Tuesday in June.
For more information on the hikes, call 303-494-2890 or e-mail EarlyTuesdayHikers@gmail.com. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, please contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Boulder Beer Road Ride (June 1)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Boulder Beer road ride with the Boulder Cycling Club from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 1. The ride, held every Tuesday, starts and ends at the Boulder Beer Company, 2880 Wilderness Place, and heads to Eldorado Springs, the roads northeast of Boulder and other local cycling routes. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Free Bike Maintenance Class (June 2)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join the staff at Full Cycle, 1795 Pearl St., for a basic-to-intermediate bike maintenance class at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 2. These classes fill up quicky, so sign up by visiting the shop or calling 303-440-1002. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Walk & Bike Month information booth at Boulder Farmer’s Market (June 2)
BOULDER—As part of Walk & Bike Month, GO Boulder will host an informational booth at the Boulder Farmer’s Market, 13th Street and Arapahoe Avenue, from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 2. Stop by to register for Bike to Work Day, which takes place on Wednesday, June 23, or register online at www.drcog.org. For more information about the Farmer’s Market booth or Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Seniors on Bikes Ride (June 2)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month in June, join Seniors on Bikes for a 35-mile ride to the “Fruit Loops” in Lyons leaving at 8 a.m. Wednesday, June 2, from Tom Watson Park northeast of Boulder. The group rides in two packs: a “pacer” group with an average speed of 15 mph or slower, and a “tiger” group that rides 15 mph or faster. Seniors on Bikes, with more than 60 members strong, was founded by several local seniors who meet Wednesdays and Fridays for rides around Boulder County. These rides are open to the public. Please check in one day in advance to verify ride times and locations by calling 303-494-2890 or e-mailing seniorsonbikes@gmail.com. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, please contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Wednesday Women’s Run (June 2)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Wednesday Women’s Run for female runners of all abilities at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 2, at Fleet Feet Sports, 2624 Broadway. For more on this event, which repeats each Wednesday, call 303-939-8000. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Boulder Cycling Thursday Evening Rides (June 3)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Boulder Cycling Club’s Thursday evening road ride from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 3. The weekly ride begins and ends at Bacaro Venetian Taverna, 921 Pearl St., and heads to some of the best cycling routes around Boulder. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Thursday Evening Racewalking (June 3)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in Fleet Feet Sports’ weekly racewalking session at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 3. Meet at Fleet Feet, 2624 Broadway. Call 303-939-8000 for more information. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Thursday Evening Margarita Ride (June 3)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the weekly Margarita Ride from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 3. Presented by the Boulder Cycling Club, the casual hybrid bike ride starts and ends at Serrano’s Southwestern Grill, 6525 Gunpark Drive in Gunbarrel, and travels around Boulder Reservoir on easy trails and surrounding dirt roads. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Seniors on Bikes Ride (June 4)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month in June, join Seniors on Bikes for a 45-mile ride to Loveland leaving at 8 a.m. Friday, June 4, from Pella Crossing Open Space near Hygiene. The group rides in two packs: a “pacer” group with an average speed of 15 mph or slower, and a “tiger” group that rides 15 mph or faster. Seniors on Bikes, with more than 60 members strong, was founded by several local seniors who meet Wednesdays and Fridays for rides around Boulder County. These rides are open to the public. Please check in one day in advance to verify ride times and locations by calling 303-494-2890 or e-mailing seniorsonbikes@gmail.com. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, please contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Help Build Singletrack at Betasso Preserve (June 5)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, celebrate National Trails Day and help construct the new Benjamin Trail at Betasso Preserve on Saturday, June 5. The multi-use path will eventually connect to the existing Canyon Loop Trail. Volunteers will work closely with a small crew led by an experienced leader. Due to steep and rugged backcountry terrain, this project will be physically strenuous. Co-sponsored by Boulder County, Boulder Mountainbike Alliance, REI and the Boulder County Horse Association. Minimum age is 14 with adult supervision. To register or ask a question, e-mail WildWorkVolunteers@BoulderCounty.org or call 303-678-6193. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Nordic Walking for Back Health and Fitness (June 5)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, Fleet Feet Sports, 2624 Broadway, will host a class on Nordic walking at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 5. Nordic walking combines the simplicity and accessibility of walking with simultaneous core and upper body conditioning similar to Nordic skiing. The result is a full-body walking workout that can burn significantly more calories and increase upper body strength and fitness – important factors in cycling. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Wagons Ho! Mountain Bike Tour (June 5)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join Ranger Dave Gustafson of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks for a bike tour and history of the short-grass prairie from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June. 5. Participants will ride six miles on single track and crusher fine trails. This is a moderately strenuous tour. A mountain bike, water and helmet are required. No pets please. Meet at Lefthand Trailhead: Go four miles north of Boulder on U.S. 36 to Neva Road, then east a half mile to the trailhead). For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Walk & Bike Month information booth at Boulder Farmer’s Market (June 5)
BOULDER—As part of Walk & Bike Month in June, GO Boulder will host an informational booth at the Boulder Farmer’s Market, 13th Street and Arapahoe Avenue, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 5. Stop by to register for Bike to Work Day, which takes place on Wednesday, June 23, or register online at www.drcog.org. For more information about the Farmer’s Market booth or Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Community Cycles Rolling Bike Clinic, Bike Rodeo (June 5)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, Community Cycles will host a rolling bike clinic and kids bike rodeo from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 5, at Shady Hollow East in Boulder. The Community Cycles team will help visitors work on their bikes while also setting up a fun rodeo course for young riders. For more information, call Sue Prant at 303-564-9681.
Tour Boulder’s Bike Paths during annual B360 event (June 6)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, everyone is invited to take part in the annual B360 Boulder By Bike Ride tour from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, June 6. It’s an enjoyable ride that’s fun for all ages and showcases the city’s cycling and pedestrian paths. Participants can ride an entire loop around the city or ride a half-loop called the B180. Both rides begin and end at Scott Carpenter Park, Arapahoe Avenue and 30th Street. Stick around after the ride for refreshments, a picnic and prize drawings. Contact Annie Noble, 303-441-3242 or NobleA@bouldercolorado.gov, for more information. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
‘Little Bikes on the Prairie’ Mountain Bike Tour (June 6)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join naturalist Dave Sutherland for Little Bikes on the Prairie, an easy family mountain bike trip along South Boulder Creek from 10 a.m. to noon Sunday, June 6. Participants will ride slowly through rare tallgrass prairie and stop to explore the creek on an easy, six-mile roundtrip for cyclists ages 6 and older. Bring a bike helmet and bikes that are ready to ride. Tag-alongs and bike baby seats are welcome. Meet at the Bobolink Trailhead. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
A Walk With Rep. Jared Polis (June 7)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take a lunchtime stroll with U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Boulder, from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, June 7. Meet at the Wonderland Lake trailhead. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Coed Fun Run (June 7)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in a coed fun run Monday, June 7, at 6 p.m. Meet at Fleet Feet, 2624 Broadway for this free, social run. For more information call 303-939-8000.
Boulder Chix Bike Skills Clinic (June 8)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, learn some new mountain bike skills or improve on what you know during the Boulder Chix Bike Skills Clinic from 5:30 – 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 8, at the University of Colorado research park at Foothills Parkway and Arapahoe Avenue. The skills class with the Boulder Chix women’s bike team will include a prize drawing. All ages welcome. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Full Cycle Co-ed Ride (June 8)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in an enjoyable, relaxing co-ed ride starting at Full Cycle, 1795 Pearl St., at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 8. The ride will be about an hour long and have a moderate pace. This is a fun ride around Boulder, not a race. All ages welcome. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Early Tuesday Hikers (June 8)
BOULDER—As part of Walk & Bike Month, come out for an early hike on Tuesday, June 8. For hikers seeking an easy pace and a moderate distance, meet at 8 a.m. at the North Boulder Park at Seventh Street and Dellwood Avenue. Hikers seeking a more moderate pace with varying distances, meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot north of the Boulder Social Security Office, 4949 Pearl E. Circle. The hikes will be held each Tuesday in June.
For more information on the hikes, call 303-494-2890 or e-mail EarlyTuesdayHikers@gmail.com. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, please contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Boulder Beer Road Ride (June 8)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Boulder Beer road ride with the Boulder Cycling Club from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 8. The ride, held every Tuesday, starts and ends at the Boulder Beer Company, 2880 Wilderness Place, and heads to Eldorado Springs, the roads northeast of Boulder and other local cycling routes. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Walk and Talk: A Talk on Global Warming (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join Dan Friedlander for an intermediate three-to-four-mile hike on Shanahan North Trail to Mesa Trail at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9. The hike will explore how ecological change, particularly global warming, will affect our lives and our relationship to nature in the future. Call Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 for information or
visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Wednesday Women’s Run (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Wednesday Women’s Run for female runners of all abilities at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, at Fleet Feet Sports, 2624 Broadway. For more on this event, which repeats each Wednesday, call 303-939-8000. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Seniors on Bikes Ride (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month in June, join Seniors on Bikes for a 45-mile ride to Highland Lake in Mead leaving at 8 a.m. Wednesday, June 9, from Tom Watson Park northeast of Boulder. Cyclists are encouraged to bring a picnic for after the ride. The group rides in two packs: a “pacer” group with an average speed of 15 mph or slower, and a “tiger” group that rides 15 mph or faster. Seniors on Bikes, with more than 60 members strong, was founded by several local seniors who meet Wednesdays and Fridays for rides around Boulder County. These rides are open to the public. Please check in one day in advance to verify ride times and locations by calling 303-494-2890 or e-mailing seniorsonbikes@gmail.com. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, please contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
‘Destination: Ice Age’ to discuss glacial marvels in Boulder area (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join naturalist Dave Sutherland on a hike to one of Boulder’s last remaining natural marvels from the Ice Age from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9. Twelve thousand years ago, mammoths lumbered through Boulder’s cool deciduous forests. As glaciers melted, the climate dried up and the forests vanished – except for a few rare, hidden pockets. Due to sensitivity of the habitat, space is limited to 15 participants. Call 303-441-3440 for reservation and location. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Open Space 101: A Newcomer’s Hike (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, get a crash course in Open Space & Mountain Parks 101 with naturalist Jennelle Freeston from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 9. Enjoy an introduction to the area’s biology, geology and history while hiking up to touch the Second Flatiron. Meet at the Chautauqua Ranger Cottage for this moderately strenuous hike. (2.5 miles, 700-foot elevation gain). For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Walk & Bike Month information booth at Boulder Farmer’s Market (June 9)
BOULDER—As part of Walk & Bike Month in June, GO Boulder will host an informational booth at the Boulder Farmer’s Market, 13th Street and Arapahoe Avenue, from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 9. Stop by to register for Bike to Work Day, which takes place on Wednesday, June 23, or register online at www.drcog.org. For more information about the Farmer’s Market booth or Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Intercambio hosts bike ride (June 10)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, join Intercambio de Comunidades for a bike ride and safety demo at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 10, at Boulder High School. The group’s mission is to build bridges of understanding across cultures, increase opportunities and independence for all immigrants, and create a stronger, more integrated Boulder County. This ride will start and end at Boulder High and will include a safety talk at the start. Cyclists of all skills and ages welcome. Call 303-996-0275 for more information on this event. For more information on Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com. For a full list of events, visit http://communitycycles.org/bike-month.html.
Boulder Cycling Thursday Evening Rides (June 10)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the Boulder Cycling Club’s Thursday evening road ride from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 10. The weekly ride begins and ends at Bacaro Venetian Taverna, 921 Pearl St., and heads to some of the best cycling routes around Boulder. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Thursday Evening Margarita Ride (June 10)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in the weekly Margarita Ride from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 10. Presented by the Boulder Cycling Club, the casual hybrid bike ride starts and ends at Serrano’s Southwestern Grill, 6525 Gunpark Drive in Gunbarrel, and travels around Boulder Reservoir on easy trails and surrounding dirt roads. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Thursday Evening Racewalking (June 10)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, take part in Fleet Feet Sports’ weekly racewalking session at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 10. Meet at Fleet Feet, 2624 Broadway. Call 303-939-8000 for more information. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
Pedaling to Work – What’s Stopping You? (June 10)
BOULDER—As part of Boulder’s Walk & Bike Month, on Wednesday, June 10, join Ray Keener at REI, 1789 28th Street, at 7 p.m. to discuss how to overcome your bike commuting barriers. Keener is the creator of Riding FUNdamentals and Ready to Pedal DVDs. He will cover topics on the gear you’ll need, finding good routes, options for carrying your things, dealing with sweat, safety concerns and tips, and more. For more information about Walk & Bike Month, contact Sue Prant at 303-564-9681 or bikesue@gmail.com.
About Walk & Bike Month 2010 (www.communitycycles.org)
The 34th annual Boulder Walk & Bike Month is a diverse celebration of more than 80 bicycle and pedestrian activities organized throughout June. Presented by GO Boulder, Walk & Bike Month is the largest free event held in Boulder. Organizers expect 8,000 riders and pedestrians will turn out for Bike to Work Day, being held on June 23 this year. Activities are being coordinated by Community Cycles, a local nonprofit that educates and advocates for the safe use of bicycle transportation.