Tagged “snow”
We got the first day of hail today. Always seems to happen on this week in October (at least in 2009), near the end of biking to work. And the updated blog rewrite is coming along. Mostly, I'm just removing old junk that's accumulated over the years. Hopefully it still works when I'm done.
Last bike to work?
I just crossed the 2000 mile mark for the year. Very cool. With all the snow on the ground and the darkness lasting later into the morning and starting earlier in the evening, it's becoming more and more difficult to keep going. I'll refrain from declaring bike commuting season over for at least a few more days, but I'm rather pessimistic at this point.
As Dylan Thomas wrote:
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
A poem obviously written about bicycle commuting.
And it's the first day of snow in Erie. And the last bike to work, probably.
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