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Tagged “erie”

  1. National Bike Challenge

    The National Bike Challenge has ended - I ended up 992nd in the US with a total of 5,719 points, 131 days ridden (May through September). Pretty pleased that I broke the 1000th place mark. Ended up 3rd in Erie, and 41st in Pennsylvania. Not too bad! As there are a few months left in the year, I have the potential for raising my ranks for the 'all year' category.

  2. More brick roads in Erie

    Just when I thought I would find the only brick_road in Erie when bicycling, I found a few more in the Glenwood Park area: Glenside Ave. and Norman Way. I wonder how many more hidden gems I'll find while exploring the city. There are some mountain biking @trails in the little park at the corner of 38th and Eliot Road.

  3. A little brick road in Erie

    While bicycling to work, I found a little stretch of brick road on East Park Avenue in Erie PA. Here is the Google street view for the road.

  4. Millcreek Township one of the nicest places to live

    According to CNN / Money, Millcreek Township is number 79 on Money's list of America's best small cities to live in.

  5. Snow in Erie

    The Erie Times-News is reporting that so far this year, we are number 2 in snowfall for the US, after Marquette, Michigan. It's been so snowy here the past few days, I really can't wait for spring. There always seems to be a foot of snow at the end of my street, even if the plow has just gone by.

  6. Extreme Makeover - Home Edition - Erie

    Interesting how the Ward Family's home on "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" shows up at "8th wonder of the world" on Google maps.

  7. Tropospheric ducting -- again

    This is actually a cut and paste (mostly) of a previous entry I had exactly one year ago today! Strange how these atmospheric conditions manifested themself on exactly the same day.

    This morning on the way to work, I received WOMC, a Detroit radio station broadcasting on 104.3 Mhz from a tower near Ferndale, Michigan, according to the Wikipedia entry. It was an extremely clear signal, and I listened to it for a half an hour until I arrived at my destination, and the signal never faded. Every so often, Erie receives good broadcasts from Detroit without interference. In fact, it was a better signal strength than most of the local stations.

  8. Erie - The Flagship City

    The city of Erie, PA has adopted "The Flagship City" as their new tagline. They are currently in the process of choosing a logo for it. Go to their website to choose which one you prefer. I voted for the round, blue one as I felt it symbolized the city and didn't look too circus-like.

  9. Rock for Wishes 2

    Rock for Wishes 2 featuring:

    • Paraquat

    • Blue Hawg

    • Eric Brewer and Friends

    will be held on January 29, 2010 at Sherlock's in Erie, PA. All proceeds benefit the Erie Make-a-Wish foundation.


  10. City of Erie proposed cellphone ban

    Here's the text of the City of Erie's proposed ban on cell phones while driving. See also the proposed law for Pennsylvania.

    C I T Y C O U N C I L O F E R I E




    Amending the General Offenses Code of

    the City of Erie, Part 7, by adding a new

    Article 739 Prohibition of Driving with

    Hand-Held Mobile Phones, and providing

    Penalties for violations thereof

    WHEREAS, Erie City Council by resolution dated November 18, 2009, requested that the Solicitor draft an ordinance to ban the use of hand-held cell phones while driving in the City of Erie,


    Section 1. That Part 7 of the Codified Ordinances, General Offenses, be amended by the addition of a new Article 739, Prohibition of Driving With Hand-Held Mobile Phones to read as follows:

    Legislative Findings and Purpose.

    Erie City Council finds that the use of mobile telephones while driving motor vehicles has been a factor in many traffic accidents nationwide; resulting in loss of lives, injuries and property damage, and a prohibition of the use of such devices, other than in a hands-free mode, is in the best interests of the safety the people of the City of Erie, and persons driving on the streets and highways within the City.

    Prohibited Conduct

    No person shall use a mobile telephone or wireless communication device in any way, including for voice communication, messaging, emailing, or internet activity while operating a motor vehicle, bicycle or other vehicle on any street, road or highway within the City of Erie, with the exception of:


    Persons using such a device entirely in a hands-free mode for voice communication, including dialing without the use of either hand.


    Persons using a mobile telephone to call “911” for emergency assistance, or to report a traffic accident or unsafe driving by another motorist, although effort should be made to exit moving traffic before calling if such can be done promptly and safely under the circumstances.


    Persons using a mobile telephone or wireless communication device while maintaining a motor vehicle in a stationary position in a parking lane or space out of moving traffic lanes, and not in gear.


    Any person convicted of violating this article shall be guilty of a Summary Offense, and shall be subject to a fine of not less than $150.00 nor more than $300.00.

    Section 2. That all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

    Section 3. That this ordinance shall be effective 20 days after passage and signing by the Mayor.

    We do hereby certify that the above ordinance was finally passed by the City Council on , 2009.


    Attest: _______________________

    President of Council

    City Clerk


  11. Tropospheric ducting

    This morning on the way to work, I received WOMC, a Detroit radio station broadcasting on 104.3 Mhz from a tower near Ferndale, Michigan, according to the Wikipedia entry. It was an extremely clear signal, and I listened to it for a half an hour until I arrived at my destination, and the signal began fading. Every so often, Erie receives good broadcasts from Detroit without interference. In fact, it was a better signal strength than most of the local stations.

  12. Asbury Elementary links

    Here are some useful information for Asbury Elementary School (Millcreek Township, PA):

    Contact numbers:

    • Attendance: (814) 836-6110

    • Fax: (814) 836-6111

    • Nurses: (814) 836-6108

    • School closings: (814) 452-2000; enter code 6100 for Millcreek.

  13. Still biking

    I'm still biking to work. I expected that I'd be done last week, but I still made a few more trips in. Next week is looking a little so-so; biking in the dark is not very fun and the drivers are getting more and more inattentive (or am I becoming more invisible?). However, after the time change, then biking is almost certainly out.

    We'll see how it goes as time goes on. The Crescent Lodur (my Swedish bike) is still going strong.

  14. Last bike to work?

    I just crossed the 2000 mile mark for the year. Very cool. With all the snow on the ground and the darkness lasting later into the morning and starting earlier in the evening, it's becoming more and more difficult to keep going. I'll refrain from declaring bike commuting season over for at least a few more days, but I'm rather pessimistic at this point.

    As Dylan Thomas wrote:

    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    A poem obviously written about bicycle commuting.

  15. Snow

    And it's the first day of snow in Erie. And the last bike to work, probably.

  16. Robots in disguise

    On my way to work this morning, I spotted an SUV with a Transformers Decepticon logo on the back window. Cool and geeky, both at the same time.

  17. Erie Red Cross amateur radio club hamfest

    The Erie Red Cross Amateur Radio Club will be holding their chapter's Hamfest (CHAMFEST) at the Erie Red Cross located at 4961 Pittsburgh Avenue in Erie.

  18. Belly Dance at the Warner Theatre

    My wife will be performing with her belly dance troupe (Lake Erie Belly Dance) during the Long's School of Dance 63rd Annual Dance Concert at the Warner Theatre. It will be held on Friday, June 12, 2009 7:00 pm at the Warner Theatre (811 State Street, Erie, PA).

  19. Erie critical mass

    Friday, March 27th, we will be meeting for the monthly critical mass bike ride. We will be meeting at 6:00 PM at Perry Square, which is located on 6th and State in downtown Erie, PA. We will ride through the streets of Erie for approximately one hour, and all ages are welcome. This is not a vigorous ride, so cyclists of all types should feel welcome to join.

    We held the first critical mass here in Erie in September, and had approximately 32 participants. We held the second critical mass in October, and had approximately 45 participants. Unfortunately due to weather, we have not been able to have a critical mass community ride all winter, so this will provide everyone with the opportunity to take out their neglected bicycles and ride them through the streets.

    Come one come all!

  20. Erie bike races and kids bicycle safety rodeo

    Bike racing in Erie, PA!

    Announcing the 2009 Erie Downtown Criterium and Kids Bicycle Safety Rodeo!

    Sunday May 24, 2009 will see the return of bicycle racing to beautiful Downtown Erie, PA!!!!!

    The day will also see a full agenda of events oriented to get kids out and riding safely too, including kids races, a bike safety rodeo and helmet check and we are working on a free or inexpensive helmet program for kids in need!

    More details will be coming soon but please put the date on your calendars and plan to come out and race, spectate and/or help out with our events for the kids of the greater Erie area!

    If you have helped out with kids races, bike safety rodeos and helmet checks/giveaways in the past PLEASE, PLEASE give serious thought to helping us out with this one.

    Chief organizers of the event are Mario Mazza and Ken Bestine who have worked very hard to get the event moving forward. I will be heading up the efforts aimed at the kids events so please contact me directly if you can help out. Keep in mind we all have at least the assets of time and energy to give. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Erie Achievment Center.


    Greg Troyer

    Please contact me if you would like further information.

  21. Pennsylvania bike support

    I received a mail today regarding making bicycling in Pennsylvania safer by requiring clearance from automobiles.

    Pennsylvania is a great state to bicycle in but there are some areas that need cleaning up to make it safer for all of us. Pennsylvania was ranked 38th as the most bicycle friendly state by the League of American Bicyclists. In an attempt to make it better, are two important pieces of legislation: 1) a “4 foot passing law,” requiring motor vehicles to pass cyclists with a minimum of 4 feet, and 2) a law protecting cyclists from the dreaded “right hook,” where a motorist passes a cyclist on the left and turns right into the bike’s path.

    There is also a proposed amendment to add protection to all “vulnerable users,” such as buggies and pedestrians walking in areas without a sidewalk, and not just limit it to cyclists, but this has yet to be been added. This legislation is being introduced by Rep Ron Miller that has had only 6 sponsors as of February 6th.

    Please contact your state representative on this important legislation.


    (Thanks Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia for writing it)

    Dear _____________:

    I support legislation that is being introduced by Rep. Ron Miller that will require motorists, when changing lanes is not possible, to give at least four feet of clearance when passing a bicyclist. It also requires a motorist who is making a right turn not to interfere with a bicyclist who is traveling straight. This is the same legislation as HB2689 from last session.

    Your co-sponsorship of Rep. Miller’s legislation will be greatly appreciated.

    For additional info:

  22. Gudgeonville Bridge Benefit

    There will be a benefit for the Gudgeonville covered bridge on May 30th at the Edinboro-McKean VFW. The current band line up is:

    • Chris Pierce

    • Seth Brewster

    • Claire Stuczynski

    • Crabapple Creek Bluegrass

    • 3-Bop, Letters to the Dead

    • Shotgun Jubilee

    • Eric Brewer and Friends

    • Matty B and the Dirty Pickles

    The Gudgeonville covered bridge was burned in November, 2008, by arsonists. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is a plan to replace the bridge as it was.

  23. Roller races in Erie

    A friend of mine forwarded an e-mail to me about some bicycling roller races being put on in Erie. Chris Coulston's e-mail reads:

    I recently put together a device which allows up to four cyclists to race one another on rollers. I made a video about the device and posted it on YouTube under RollerRace. The motivation for building this device was to hold Gold Sprints races. Together with the guys at Competitive Gear we will be hosting gold sprints at the Boardwalk Bar on Sunday January 25th in downtown Erie. Registration will start at 1pm, racing at 2pm. There will be a $5 registration fee, spectators are free and welcome. Each race is a 500m standing start race, run in an elimination form. Other races in different formats may be held, time permitting. The bar will be open and the kitchen should be serving. Please note that this event will be taking place in a bar serving alcohol, I'd advise leaving anyone under 21 at home. A variety of bikes in different sizes will be provided. All the bikes will be equipped with toeclips and straps, so your sneakers will work just fine. The Kreitler rollers being used will be equipped with fork stands so riding the rollers will be almost as easy as using your trainer. Of course you are encouraged to have fun and dress up in your team kit, a chicken costume, or a speedo/cape combination. So practice that high speed cadence and get the word out. Invite that neighbor who expressed an interest in cycling last summer.

  24. Swedish movie in Erie

    Let the Right One In, a Swedish language film, will be shown at Mercyhurst on April 15, 2009.

    I guess it's only slightly ironic that it's a vampire film, and it's on tax daỵ.

  25. Bellydance

    On Saturday, my wife Gith performed with her bellydance troupe. They're planning on performing again in March.

  26. Rock for Wishes


    Here's the latest lineup for Rock for Wishes 2009!

    • Blue Hawg

    • The Dregs

    • Paraquat

    Prepare to rock!

  27. Oil Creek extreme running

    My friend Tom, who runs ultramarathons (100 miles, for example), is setting up one at Oil Creek on the weekend of October 9, 2009.

  28. Asbury Elementary School Information

    Here is some useful information for Asbury Elementary School - Millcreek School District, Erie PA.

    Attendance: (814) 836-6110

    Fax: (814) 836-6111

    Nurses: (814) 836-6108

    Check for school closings: 452-2000; enter code 6100 for Millcreek.

    Here are a few more useful links:

  29. The Dregs

    The Dregs 1 The Dregs 2 The Dregs 3

    My friend Dave's band The Dregs will be playing January 2nd at the Last Shot. Check them out!

  30. Paraquat and Blue Hawg to play Sherlock's in Erie

    My bands Paraquat and Blue Hawg will be playing at Sherlock's, January 23, 2009.

    Here's a video from last year's performance.

  31. Bike to Work Week - Lattitude magzine

    Here's another magazine - Lattitude - that Bike to Work Week (and myself) were mentioned in.

  32. Beautiful election day weather

    I (coincidentally) took the day off, the same as election day. The weather was fantastically nice (20 degrees C, if you can believe the thermometer), so I biked to the polls. The great thing about showing up on election day at 1pm is that there was no line.

    I don't think that this beautiful weather will last much longer -- it was almost like summer; however, I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts.

  33. Michael Myers from Halloween

    This was the second time that I spotted a guy dressed as Michael Myers from the movie Halloween standing at the corner of 38th and Sterrettania, at the corner occupied by CVS Pharmacy. He wasn't doing anything, just standing there, legs slightly apart, arms out from his sides. Extremely spooky and threatening! I hope to spot him again next year.

  34. Snow

    Looking out the window, today is the first definitive day that I have seen snow falling this year. I suspect it's going to be a cold winter.

  35. Axe Murder Hollow

    As Halloween is getting closer, my old blog is getting more and more hits about Axe Murder Hollow (or Axe Murder Hallow), a sort of spooky spot on Thomas Road in Erie, PA, where (evidentally) teenagers used to take their dates to scare them and such, as teenagers are wont to do.

    Here are a few sources of interesting tales about Axe Murder Hollow:

  36. Critical Mass - October 31, 2008 - Erie PA

    Critical Mass in Erie, PA, will be taking place again on Friday, October 31st, at 5:30 pm at 6th and State Street at Perry Square. Join us for a nice bike ride! You can view a related MySpace Page here for further details. However, that's really it. Critical Mass, the last Friday of each month. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.

  37. End of the biking season?

    There has been severe rain here for the past three days. I don't want to speak prematurely, but it sure seems like the end of the bike to work season, at least for those of us who really don't appreciate getting soaked on the way to/from work (which I had, several times).

  38. Critical Mass - September 26, Erie PA

    According to the count I heard, 28 cyclists participated in the first Critical Mass event in Erie! We started at Perry Square, went around the square, and down 6th street. We returned down 10th, went down State street, and then went westward to Frontier Park along the Bayfront. Unfortunately, that was a good place for me to continue home, while the rest of the participants circled back along 6th street.


    Here are the (decent) pictures I took on Flickr.

    Update: 2008 Nov 1: Here's another page with a description of the event.

  39. Small Wonder

    While biking to work today, I was stopped at a red light. When the left hand lane got a green signal to make their turn, I heard a large engine starting. A Wonder Bread truck had shut off its engine while it waited for the light to change and, as the light changed to green, had restarted its diesel engine. Saving fuel, saving the environment, and cutting down on noise pollution. I like it all.

  40. How does Critical Mass work?

    As far as I can tell, there is no further information on the Critical Mass event to be held in Erie other than on this page. So how does it work? According to the wiki, it generally happens on the last Friday of the month. So, with the winter months closing in on our little community, will there be enough momentum to make it stick? Tune in and see...

  41. Critical Mass in Erie PA

    When:​ Friday,​ September 26th at 6:00 PM

    What:​ Bicycle Awareness Rally

    Where:​ Perry Square,​ Erie,​ PA

    Join your fellow cyclists for a community bike ride.​ It's time to take back the streets for bicyclists in Erie!​ Critical mass bicycle activism in effect!​

    Update: See this post for updates.

  42. Triathlon

    I did the Presque Isle Triathlon! Here is a copy of a mail I sent to Chemda of the Keith and the Girl Podcast regarding my entire experience.

    Dear Chemda (and Ironman Bobby)-

    I just wanted to tell you how much the episode with you and Ironman Bobby discussing your triathlon inspired me. I had been biking to work quite regularly over the summer, 12 miles each way, and was in decent shape from that exercise. When I heard the episode, I did a search on triathlons in my area. I found out that there was going to be one in two weeks, and I felt that if I had prepared for it a few months ago, I would be ready. I had not swum for a long time, and I had never run at all, much less run a road race.

    Over the next two weeks, the idea kept eating at my head, until the day before the race, I went down to the preregistration area. I talked with the people down there, and they encouraged me to join, just for the fun of it all.

    I biked home unconvinced, and was up late, watching movies and eating popcorn, falling asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I went to bed, and set my alarm in time to register for the day of the race, in case I decided to do so at the last minute.

    When the alarm clock went off, I figured to myself, "if I don't do this, it's just going to be one more thing that I haven't done, and I'll regret it." So, I dug around in the house, dug out a ratty pair of shorts, an old swimsuit, a short wetsuit that I had, a pair of swim goggles, and put my mountain bike, a fairly slow bike, in the back of the car. I drove down to the starting area where there must have been 300 or so competitors. I went up, registered, and was in the waiting list for no shows. 15 minutes before the race, I got lucky, and got a number. I went to pick up my chip, which I had no idea how it works or what to do with it, and put it on.

    The swim portion was pretty short, in Lake Erie, but in 4 foot waves, so just going into the water was pretty scary. About 10 people turned around after 5 minutes due to the height of the waves, and the helpers in kayaks had to rescue several swimmers. I plugged along doing backstroke most of the way so I could keep my head above water and breathe in the huge waves. It was unnerving following so many people in the water, with occasional cries of "Help!" around me. When I hit the beach, I was pretty spent, but I kept going. I stripped out of the wetsuit which didn't want to come off, put another pair of shorts over my swim trunks, and hopped on the bike.

    The bike leg went pretty quick. All the bike commuting paid off, and I actually passed a few people on it. As I reentered the transition area, the fellow in front of me, when dismounting his bike, lost his balance and crashed in front of the timing pads, throwing his bike into the trees.

    The last leg, a 5k run, was painful, but I pushed through it regardless. I had never run anything before, but I figure if I made it so far, I can at least run 5k. I just kept telling myself to go on, and so I did. When I reached the end of the race, I felt fantastic. Just having done the race was a tremendous rush.

    When I was done, a fellow came up to me and asked my time, which I had no idea of as I wasn't paying attention and didn't even realize there was a giant clock at the end of the race. He wondered how I had done it with no equipment, and that I hadn't even taken my bike lock off the bike. I laughed to my haste, I didn't even bother to remove it. Oh well.

    Chemda, I just wanted to thank you and Ironman Bobby for the inspiration you provided to me - not only in convincing myself to take up the challenge, but also along the route.

    James in Erie PA.

    Here is the page with the results.

  43. The Lumar Dinor

    While chatting with folks on the Hometown Tales forums, one of them mentioned that they had a model of "The Lumar Dinor". After some googling, I found some pictures:

    (pics are missing)

    It seems to me that this would be modeled after something in the Erie Pennsylvania area, as I have never seen the word "dinor" used anywhere else.

  44. Brig Niagara

    Here are a few pictures taken from the Brig Niagara on a recent trip I made aboard. There are a few surprising things about it: It rolls quite a bit, even though it is such a massive vessel. It is quite easy to get seasick -- I felt a bit nauseous myself until I ducked below for a few moments to compose myself. And, last but not least, the cannons are extremely loud. During the battle, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the crew ended up deaf or with permanent hearing damage and ringing.

    Sorry, pics are missing...(img 7178, 7163, if I find them)

  45. Protest Against the Tire Plant Today!

    While driving to work today, I spotted a group of about 15 protesters at 38th and West demonstrating against the Tire Plant. Surprisingly, I did not see any reference to this in the Erie Times. Did anyone get any pictures?

  46. Walk to Cure Diabetes - Erie PA

    I've posted this before, but this is a brand new blog, so I'm posting it again.

    JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes - Erie PA

    The 2007 JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes will be held September 23rd at Rainbow Gardens. There will be registration at 8:00 and a start at 9:30. The rocking GE band Third Rail will be performing again.

See all tags.