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Tagged “radio”

  1. More long distance radio

    It's been a long time, but I heard radio from Detroit last night - WLLZ 106.7. Amazing! Tuned it in this morning, and nothing. Always seems that this sort of thing happens in November.

  2. Tropospheric ducting - part 3

    Driving to work yesterday (October 11), I heard two Detroit radio stations from Erie:

    The last time this happened was November 12, 2010 when I heard WOMC. WOMC must be on a really clear channel to be able to get this station every time.

  3. Tropospheric ducting -- again

    This is actually a cut and paste (mostly) of a previous entry I had exactly one year ago today! Strange how these atmospheric conditions manifested themself on exactly the same day.

    This morning on the way to work, I received WOMC, a Detroit radio station broadcasting on 104.3 Mhz from a tower near Ferndale, Michigan, according to the Wikipedia entry. It was an extremely clear signal, and I listened to it for a half an hour until I arrived at my destination, and the signal never faded. Every so often, Erie receives good broadcasts from Detroit without interference. In fact, it was a better signal strength than most of the local stations.

  4. Björn interviewed

    My brother in law Björn Rasmusson was interviewed by Sveriges Radio about the potential impending demise of Saab Automobile, AB.

    – Nu tror jag det är kört. Men vi får se vad som händer. Livet går ju vidare ändå, säger Björn Rasmusson.

  5. City of Erie proposed cellphone ban

    Here's the text of the City of Erie's proposed ban on cell phones while driving. See also the proposed law for Pennsylvania.

    C I T Y C O U N C I L O F E R I E




    Amending the General Offenses Code of

    the City of Erie, Part 7, by adding a new

    Article 739 Prohibition of Driving with

    Hand-Held Mobile Phones, and providing

    Penalties for violations thereof

    WHEREAS, Erie City Council by resolution dated November 18, 2009, requested that the Solicitor draft an ordinance to ban the use of hand-held cell phones while driving in the City of Erie,


    Section 1. That Part 7 of the Codified Ordinances, General Offenses, be amended by the addition of a new Article 739, Prohibition of Driving With Hand-Held Mobile Phones to read as follows:

    Legislative Findings and Purpose.

    Erie City Council finds that the use of mobile telephones while driving motor vehicles has been a factor in many traffic accidents nationwide; resulting in loss of lives, injuries and property damage, and a prohibition of the use of such devices, other than in a hands-free mode, is in the best interests of the safety the people of the City of Erie, and persons driving on the streets and highways within the City.

    Prohibited Conduct

    No person shall use a mobile telephone or wireless communication device in any way, including for voice communication, messaging, emailing, or internet activity while operating a motor vehicle, bicycle or other vehicle on any street, road or highway within the City of Erie, with the exception of:


    Persons using such a device entirely in a hands-free mode for voice communication, including dialing without the use of either hand.


    Persons using a mobile telephone to call “911” for emergency assistance, or to report a traffic accident or unsafe driving by another motorist, although effort should be made to exit moving traffic before calling if such can be done promptly and safely under the circumstances.


    Persons using a mobile telephone or wireless communication device while maintaining a motor vehicle in a stationary position in a parking lane or space out of moving traffic lanes, and not in gear.


    Any person convicted of violating this article shall be guilty of a Summary Offense, and shall be subject to a fine of not less than $150.00 nor more than $300.00.

    Section 2. That all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

    Section 3. That this ordinance shall be effective 20 days after passage and signing by the Mayor.

    We do hereby certify that the above ordinance was finally passed by the City Council on , 2009.


    Attest: _______________________

    President of Council

    City Clerk


  6. Tropospheric ducting

    This morning on the way to work, I received WOMC, a Detroit radio station broadcasting on 104.3 Mhz from a tower near Ferndale, Michigan, according to the Wikipedia entry. It was an extremely clear signal, and I listened to it for a half an hour until I arrived at my destination, and the signal began fading. Every so often, Erie receives good broadcasts from Detroit without interference. In fact, it was a better signal strength than most of the local stations.

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