Tagged “web”
- Spring cleaning
Fans of Sage for Firefox
I use Sage-too for my RSS reader for Firefox. However, when I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu (10.04), Sage-too stopped working. After investigation, it appears to be dead. However, one of the Sage-too developers has branched it again and created Sage++ , which contains the features like hiding read feeds, etc. that I've grown to love.
- 110mb diagnostics
Happy New Year!
Have a safe, prosperous, and healthy new year!
For those of you interested in using this blogging software, here is the source. Let me know if you have any question/ideas/suggestions. No complaints! No guarantees! Code is GPL, so if you change it, publish the source.
Please note that the release is pretty out of date, and there are much newer versions available. Please mail me if you are interested; otherwise, the older version is below.
Written in PHP
Flat files - no SQL database required
Picture uploading and embedding
Static pages with Wiki style-dynamic page adding
Multiple user support
Back in time...
In an effort to clean up my website and get rid of old useless junk, I'm going back through my old blog and porting some of the more useful and interesting posts here. This is extremely time consuming, but, in the end, hopefully I'll have something that's cleaner, more searchable (well, that's debatable), and smaller. There's sure a lot of junk, though.
Update: Well, I'm done now. I haven't deleted the old blog yet, but everything is in here. You can click here for a tags and date index.
Autumn is the season of geeking out
It must be autumn. I'm working on the blog project again, adding more wiki type functionality. Since it's getting dreary and dark out, the blog software is moving along again. Hopefully, I'll get it working flexibly enough to make the Bike to Work Week site more usable.
This should have revision history as well, so I can go backwards to older post versions.
Thanks for bearing with me while I'm playing around here.
More complexity
Well, now I have wiki-like links in the blog here. For me, this means that I can have easier ways to get to static pages like the about me webpage. So what does this mean to this blog? Well, nothing, but hopefully, with the Bike to Work Week website, it will mean additional integrated wiki type functionality. Plus less remembering html tags and such.
Problems With 110mb.com?
I finally realized that 110mb.com was adding ads to this blog. Why didn't I notice it before? I'm running adblock, and that hides the ads from being displayed. However, they are also adding ads to the RSS feed, which causes the feed to crash with my feed reader (Sage, part of Firefox). So what do I do? Nothing at this point...do I want to move on to yet another provider? Same issues with the Bike to Work Week site.
Bike to Work Week relaunch
Updated Bike to Work Week to be more blog-ish...based on the same software as this site. I'd eventually like to use the multiple user feature to get additional contributors.
110mb broke my RSS feed
Due to the RadarURL option, all my text (including RSS) feeds were adding the RadarURL script code. RadarURL tells you how many people are on your site at any one time, and gives you various traffic details. Evidentally, it's on by default on Boxes 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and off by default on Boxes 4, 9, 16, and 17+.
You can turn it on and off on your account by: Log In -> Account Profile -> Turn it OFF/ON.
See this discussion for more info.
Ubuntu: Automatically reconnecting a wireless connection
I have an old cordless phone. A phone that, once it rings, causes my local wireless network to go down. Windows seems to repair itself, but Ubuntu just hangs there dead until I manually reconnect it. Here is a solution that checks the network every minute. If there is a failure (30 seconds or so after checking), the network is restarted.
First, make a file called check_network in the /root directory by using 'sudo vi /root/check_network'. In it, put the following code:
wget -q -O /dev/null "http://www.google.com" || ( /etc/init.d/networking restart )
This checks the connection (in this case, against Google). If it doesn't, it causes the network to restart. Now, add this to the root user's crontab file by running 'sudo crontab -e'. The crontab file should look like:
m h dom mon dow command #
- /root/check_network `
This means, every minute, run the check_network script. I wish there was a better way of doing this. Actually, if there could be a tie-in to the icon that shows the connectivity in the toolbar, that would be an even better solution.
Windows 98 Annoyances
I've been using XP/Vista/Ubuntu for a long time now, and I'm writing this remotely from an old Windows 98 machine. The machine is pretty slow, but the most annoying this is that this web site isn't displaying the images correctly. I don't know why, and I don't know if I'm going to bother to fix it; if you click on the links (picture border), the pictures show up ok, but they display with zero height.
I guess I should fix this, but does anyone really use Windows 98 anymore? Oh yeah, me...
Phoogle - Google maps for PHP - Broken
While working on my Bike to Work Week web site, it suddenly appeared that Phoogle, the Google maps generator that I use, stopped working. Thankfully, a fix was issued for the "Cannot use string offset as an array" error. In short, the fix is:
if(!trim($data)) return;
as the new first line of the characterData function.
It also appears that you have to replace the instances of [Response] with ['Response']. Fortunately, I fixed that issue myself along the way.
GoDaddy, 110mb DNS problems
I host my website on the free 110mb.com. It works great, but I've had issues trying to get my DNS A record to point to the right server (box 13, or whatever box you happen to use) with GoDaddy. However, you may have a similar problem, no matter what domain service you use. Here's the easy way I used to fix this problem:
Locate your address (i.e. ghofulpo.110mb.com)
Ping it (ping ghofulpo.110mb.com)
Change the address in the A record to whatever IP address was returned.
Hopefully, this will solve somebody else's problem, as well as mine, when I break it again accidentally.
See all tags.